


四平市宏福农副产有限公司是一家以农副产品加工及调味品生产为主的企业,公司成立于2009年12月份,自成之初,公司本着脚踏实地.承前启后的理念,一直在积累自己的资金及技术方面的资本,进过几番努力终于 2015成熟红嘴开发区购地建厂,并于2015年10月份建成投产,目前公司已生产出农副产品及调味品等共计三大系列60多个品种,并逐渐建立了自己的原材料生产基地,拥有员工45人,各种机械设备30余台套,无菌无尘净化车间1700平米,逐渐实现了自动化生产,产品通过超市、线上、线下已逐渐普及东三省及内蒙古、河北等地,并成为几十家食品厂原料指定供应商,逐渐形成种植生产、销售的产业链条。2017年成功被四平市评为规模上企业、重点扶持企业,未来公司将上下齐心协力,把所有产品向绿色、有机、富硒产业化链条转变。宏福公司本着先做人后做事用良心、诚心做企业的理念,稳中求进,严把质量关,谦虚向国内领先企业学习,以信誉求生存、以质量求发展,做到诚信为本。目前公司产品已行销全国30多个省市,深受广大消费者认可与好评。现公司已拥有自己的木耳、辣椒专业种植基地。未来公司还将建成绿色有机为主的种植、加工、销售一条龙的产业链条,带动一方经济,力争成为吉林省农副产品行业中的龙头企业,为地方经济出应有贡献。

Siping Hongfu agricultural and sideline products Co., Ltd. is anagricultural and sideline processing and seasoning raw。Production based enterprises, the company was established in December 2009, since the establishment of the company in line with Ben, after several efforts, finally in 2015, in various aspects of more mature conditions, in Hongzui The Development Zone purchased land to build a factory, which was completed and put into operation in October 2015. At present, the company has produced agricultural products.There are more than 60 varieties of by-products and condiments in three series, and gradually established their own.Raw material production base, with 45 employees, more than 30 sets of various mechanical equipment, sterile.Dust purification workshop 1700 square meters, gradually realized automatic production, products through supermarkets, lines online and offline has gradually popularized the three eastern provinces, lnner Mongolia, Hebei and other places, and become dozens of food,Plant raw materials designated suppliers, and gradually formed an industrial chain of planting, production and sales. 2017 Siping City was successfully rated as a large-scale enterprise, key support enterprises, the future company will work together Make concerted efforts to transform all products into green, organic and selenium rich industrial chain. Hongfu company.With the concept of being a person first and then doing things, doing business with conscience and sincerity, striving for progress in stability and strictly controlling the quality,Modesty to learn from domestic leading enterprises, to survive with credibility, to develop with quality, to achieve integrity It's based.Current companyThe product is on salewhole country30 Many provinces and cities ,Deeply recognized by the majority of consumers.And praise. Now the company has its own agaric, pepper professional planting base. In the future, the company will return .It will build a green and organic based industrial chain of planting, processing and marketing, and drive theParty economy, strive to become the leading enterprise in the agricultural and sideline products industry of Jilin Province, for the local economy Make due contributions


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